For all the questions till Intent.
- What is not true about an Activity
1 point
2. What is not a major component of an Android App.
1 point
3. What is not a major component of an Android App.
1 point
4. Which of the following is the parent class of Activity?
1 point
5. Which of the following is not a type of UI layout.
1 point
6. In which of the following layouts, the position of a UI element depends on the position of other UI elements.
1 point
7. What is the importance of Hierarchy Viewer?
1 point
8. Which of the following layout designs can be optimised for a better performing UI?
1 point
9. What is the drawback of using ‘in’ (inches) as the unit of padding?
1 point
10.Which of the following layouts has the layout_weight property?
1 point
11. Which of the following layouts is often used to display dynamic enumerated data?
1 point
12. What happens when a button is clicked but its onClickListener is not defined?
1 point
13. What is the correct sequence of execution of android activity lifecycle methods when the screen is rotated?
1 point
14.Suppose you have logged into a game using your gmail id and your gmail app running in the background crashes, what will happen?
1 point
Which of the following app components are not activated by intents?
1 point
Which of the following is true when an app (A) starts another app’s (B) component?
1 point
Which of the following is true:
1 point
Which of the following is true about android manifest file?
1 point
Which of the following can be a sequence of android lifecycle methods?
1 point
An activity never resides in which of the following states?
1 point
Which of the following will definitely trigger onDestroy() method?
1 point
Which of the following is not a logcat method? (ignore function parameters)
1 point
What is the purpose of adding padding to a UI element?
1 point
What is the structure of extra information (Bundle) passed while starting a new activity?
1 point
What will happen if a TextView variable is assigned the type View?
1 point
How do we ensure backward compatibility (smartly) of the app?
1 point
Which if the following can be used to detect errors in the app?
1 point
Which Exception is thrown when you try to access the index -1 in a List?
1 point
What will happen if an id is not specified in the XML, but accessed in the source code?
1 point
Where should the images be normally stored in a project?
1 point
Which of the following is NOT a type of an intent?
1 point
What is the process of displaying the fields present in the layouts?
1 point
How many levels of Log labels are there?
1 point
Which of the following is NOT specified in AndroidManifest.xml?
1 point
Is it a good practice to have one icon of fixed resolution?
1 point
Which of the following is used to restore information when the app is destroyed?
1 point
Which of the following is NOT true
1 point
What happens when a button is present in the source code but its XML is not defined?
1 point
Which of these is not a part of the APK?
1 point
How can you prevent your app from showing ANR messages?
1 point
Which data structure is used when a new activity is opened?
1 point
Many of you must have used an Android emulator to test your applications. Which of the following statements are true about the emulator?
1 point
In exception handling, what is the difference between “throw” and “throws”?
1 point
Which of the following statements are false?
1 point
Which of the following statements are true?
1 point
Which of the following are true about interfaces in Android?
1 point
What will happen if you have an infinite loop running in your application?
1 point
Which of the following statements are true about intents?
1 point
What will happen if you use ListView and keep increasing the size of the list?
1 point
How many types of orientations (like landscape and horizontal) does Android Support?
1 point
Which of the following statements is false?
1 point
Is it possible to have an Activity without UI in Android?
1 point
After an application is installed, where is it stored?
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